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Help Needed: Protect School Choice!

We’ve been talking a lot about school choice lately, but it’s hard not to. Our recently passed law, to get more scholarships to low-income families, has the power to transform generations of children by offering them more and better educational opportunities. But that legislation is being threatened by opponents who seek to repeal the law. So, what can you do to protect school choice for Nebraska families? I’m glad you asked, because these future scholarship families need your help today!

First and foremost, commit to prayer! Ensuring that families in need have better access to scholarship opportunities is ultimately the Lord’s work. We place this effort in the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We entrust families in need to the God the Father! And we place all our efforts before the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete!

Decline to sign
Second, if you are approached by or bump into somebody with the so-called “Support Our Schools” political campaign, charitably and respectfully “Decline to Sign” the petition. This petition is being circulated across the state to collect enough signatures to try and repeal our school choice law. By not signing it, you make it clear that you are a school choice champion and want to see kids thrive in an educational setting that is best for them. When that petition comes around, be sure to “Keep Kids First!”

Local leaders
Third, we need “School Choice Captains” throughout our parishes and schools. Our School Choice Captains can help “get the word out” to fellow parishioners and parents. There is a serious misinformation campaign against school choice taking place right now, and it’s critical that Catholics are formed with the truth.

When people know what school choice can do for families, particularly low-income families, they can be confident as they “Decline to Sign” any petition efforts to repeal LB753, the Opportunity Scholarships Act. We need heroes and champions to step up in their parishes and schools on behalf of students in need. Please contact the Nebraska Catholic Conference (402.477.7517; to become a School Choice Captain!

Spread the word
Fourth, spread the word about efforts to “Decline to Sign” by posting on your social media. You can find sample social media posts at

Be a voice
Fifth, did I mention you can become a “School Choice Captain” for your parish or school? Seriously, we need advocates at the local level to spread the word. Without you, our message can go only so far. Be a voice for those who are far too often underrepresented in the political process!

In the meanwhile, visit to learn how you can get more involved with defending school choice in Nebraska!

Very briefly, I want to turn your attention to an upcoming event. On Oct. 6 and 7, we will host our annual Bishops’ Pro-Life Banquet and Conference. As usual, this will take place in Lincoln at the Embassy Suites. This year’s theme is “The Truth Will Set You Free.”

We are excited to announce our keynote speaker is Joe Heschmeyer with Catholic Answers. Joe is a brilliant defender of truth and the unborn, and we are thrilled to have him share the joy of the Gospel with us at the banquet, as well as delivering a talk at the conference Oct. 7.

We will have more to say about the event, but for now we invite you to visit where you can register for the event. Act now while we have our “Early Bird” special pricing! And don’t forget to invite a friend or 10!

Keep up the great work of bearing the Light of Christ in the public square!

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