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Marriage and Family

“Whatever you do for your family, your children, your husband, your wife, you do for God. All we do, our prayers, our work, our suffering, is for Jesus.”

- St. Teresa of Calcutta


Marriage and Family

While marriage is a special blessing for Christians because of the grace of Christ, marriage is also a natural blessing and gift for everyone in all times and cultures. As the U.S. Bishop’s wrote in their pastoral letter Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan: “Just as families render an invaluable service to society, society has a reciprocal obligation to protect and support families…. The well-being of society is closely tied to healthy marriage and families.” The Nebraska Catholic Conference advocates for public policy that affirms the Christian view of marriage and human sexuality and supports families and children.   

Issues related to Marriage and Family include:
Marriage, children’s issues, human sexuality, adoption, foster care

Foundational Documents:
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Humanae Vitae
Gaudium et Spes

2021 Legislative Bills in Marriage and Family

Find bills we are following in Marriage and Family and other advocacy areas on our bill tracker page.

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