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Save babies by talking to five people!

In the next 40 days, out-of-state special interest groups and abortion activists will be spending millions of dollars to deceive voters. They will fiercely push a proposal to enshrine a right to late-pregnancy abortions in our state constitution, a proposal that would allow abortions far into the second and third trimester of a pregnancy.

So, how can we defeat this unsafe, unregulated, and un-Nebraskan effort?

You, I, and other Catholics need to step up. We need to spread the word about why people should vote AGAINST Initiative 439. We need to talk with family members, friends, fellow parishioners, and other Nebraskans.

We cannot shy away from this task. We must “take courage” as the Scripture urges. And we should take St. Joan of Arc as a patroness in our efforts, and take to heart her encouragement: “Go forward bravely. Fear nothing. Trust in God; all will be well.”

But you might be asking yourself the question: How do I have effective conversations to help defeat Initiative 439?

First, visit Take a few minutes to read our “Where Does It Say That?” and “Why Vote Against 439?” fact sheets. Learn the information, so you can have impactful discussions with fellow Nebraskans.

Second, think about five to 10 people you can talk to each week. Say a prayer for them—even if just a quick, brief one. Ask the Holy Spirit to work their hearts and minds, to be enlightened by the truth about the dangers of Initiative 439.

Third, in the words of St. Joan: “Act, and God will act.” Do the simple and important work of reaching out to your five to 10 people each week. Invite, encourage, and urge these five to 10 people each week to vote AGAINST Initiative 439.

What’s the best way to reach out? The simple answer: whatever you think is the best way. No matter what: just do it!

A fuller answer: reach out by chatting in person, making a phone call, shooting a text message, sending an e-mail, or writing a letter.

Here are some practical tips when engaging in these personal outreaches.

First, don’t undervalue your relationships. You have any number of relationships, and people who trust your judgment and know you love and care for them. That goes a long way, especially with being credible on this difficult and controversial issue.

Second, if you are having an in-person conversation with somebody, don’t hesitate to ask questions up front. Ask if they’ve heard about the abortion ballot initiative, and ask what they think. Maybe they don’t know much. Maybe they have questions and concerns. Maybe you’ll find out they’re completely with us. No matter what, knowing where they are on the issue will help you approach them where they are.

Third, your conversations don’t have to be long at all. It can be as simple as a quick minute-long text message you send, inviting the person to read the “Where Does It Say That?” fact sheet and give it some consideration before voting. It can be taking a couple minutes, at a neighborhood gathering or in the breakroom, to mention two key concerns you have with the language that is being proposed. You might express your well-founded concern that the so-called viability standard in the language will allow for the abortion of healthy babies late into pregnancy, or that Initiative 439 will lead to the elimination of important health and safety laws against coercive and unsafe abortions.

Fourth, keep in mind you aren’t trying to make everybody 100% pro-life overnight on this issue. You are just trying to get people to see that Initiative 439 is very bad for Nebraska, and is an extreme abortion proposal that goes well beyond where most Nebraskans find themselves on this issue—and that they should vote AGAINST it or, at the very least, just not vote on it.

Fifth, in your conversations, be sure to stay level-headed and calm. When emotions escalate, people can’t think clearly. If the person you are trying to convince is getting emotional and you escalate the situation, it’s likely there won’t be a lot of thinking or persuading going on.

Finally, always know you can point people to You don’t need all the answers. You need some key points to make them think or re-think their position. You can always point to additional resources where they can learn more.

We’ve got a great task ahead of us, but with God’s grace we can defeat Initiative 439. I’ll leave you with one more St. Joan of Arc quote: “In God’s name, let us go on bravely.”

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