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Media Release: Joint Bishops’ Statement in response to the Alternative Ballot Initiative Proposal Providing Protections for Preborn Babies

Media Contact:
Paige Brown
Communications & Outreach Specialist
(402) 477-7517


For Immediate Release:
March 20, 2024


Media Release: Joint Bishops’ Statement in response to the Alternative Ballot Initiative Proposal Providing Protections for Preborn Babies

Lincoln, Nebraska - On Tuesday, a new ballot initiative providing protections for preborn children was released by Protect Women & Children. In response to the proposed language of the ballot initiative, the three bishops of Nebraska released the following joint statement:

“Nebraska voters are likely to decide on two ballot measures regarding abortion this November. We have reviewed the proposed initiative to create a constitutional protection for preborn children in the second and third trimester that was announced on Tuesday morning. Although imperfect in its protection of all preborn children, the proposal is a step toward safeguarding human life. Thus, it is morally permissible for Nebraskans to support this newly proposed initiative.

"More importantly, we urge Nebraskans to unite in opposition to the other initiative proposal that wants to enshrine the evil of late-pregnancy abortion into the state constitution.

"Women in Nebraska deserve support throughout pregnancy, not abandonment to the lifelong, physical and emotional trauma of abortion. The late-pregnancy abortion ballot measure fails pregnant women and is more extreme than meets the eye. Nebraskans should pray and work for its defeat and commit to even more support for pregnant women in need.”

An explainer providing additional information about how the Bishops reached this conclusion can be found here


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