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Media Statement in Response to the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization Decision

The following statement was issued by Marion Miner, Associate Director of Pro-Life & Family Policy for the Nebraska Catholic Conference, in response to the U.S. Supreme Court's overruling of Roe v. Wade in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization decision:

We are overcome with joy at the arrival of this day, for which we have waited, worked, and prayed for 50 years.  Nebraska is once again free to protect preborn babies from the lethal violence of the abortion industry.  This is cause for rejoicing and is also a mandate to act.  We call upon our state lawmakers, and all people of goodwill, to enact protections for these babies from the moment of conception and to ensure that every pregnant woman in our state receives the care and support she needs for herself and her family to flourish.  Be assured that the Catholic Church in Nebraska will redouble its efforts in the cause for human life.

Each Nebraska Bishops also separately issued statements in response to the Dobbs case. You can find Archbishop Lucas' statement here, Bishop Conley's statement here, and Bishop Hanefeldt's statement here.

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