Title X 2019 Budget Provision
In the Governor’s 2019 budget proposal, there is a provision that prohibits Title X funds from being distributed to an organization that “performs, assists with the performance of, provides directive counseling in favor of, or refers for abortion.” This proposal, which was approved in the 2018 budget, allows an organization to receive Title X funds, so long as they are “objectively independent” from an organization that performs, assists, counsels in favor of, or refers for abortion.
How Title X Funds Work
Title X is a federal grant program that provides preventive health services and family planning services. Title X includes important services such as annual well-woman exams, STD testing and treatment, HPV testing and vaccinations. Title X also includes services such as contraception.

Title X Under the Provision
Title X funds have always been intended to be kept separate and distinct from abortion-related activities. The new provision will provide accountability and ensure that this is the case. Below are two options for clinics which perform or assist with abortion, or refer for or counsel in favor of abortions,to maintain their eligibility for Title X funds.

Title X in the News
The majority of the committee voted against a motion Tuesday to include the language Gov. Pete Ricketts put into his budget proposal.
But doesn’t the law already require that no taxpayer money be used for abortion?
Yes. However, under the current scheme, there is no way to ensure that funds aren’t actually being used to aid in abortion activity. When Title X services and abortion activities are in all ways separate, we can be sure no taxpayer money is being used for abortion.
How will this affect clinics that don’t aid in or refer for abortion?
It won’t! Clinics and health centers not assisting in any way with abortion will remain fully eligible for Title X funds under the new provision. They can continue to serve men and women who are in need of Title X services.
Will this cause women and men to lose healthcare services they need?
Everyone should have access to affordable healthcare. The only reason anyone would lose access to Title X services under this provision would be if clinics involved in abortion-related activities refuse to follow the guidelines of the Title X funding program.