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LB933 (Human Life Protection Act) Parish Resources

Will you help us educate, engage, and empower the laity?

The Nebraska Legislature will begin debating the most historic piece of pro-life legislation in its history, LB933, on Friday, March 25th. The Human Life Protection Act, which would protect all preborn life from the moment of conception, if and when Roe v. Wade is overturned. Our vulnerable neighbors, including preborn children, need every voice to advocate for them, including the help of community centers and institutions to promote the cause. We urgently need your help NOW through mid-April. With your help, we hope to educate and engage the public on this issue, and empower them to take action. We thank you for your help in this effort to advance the right to life in our state, so we can value, celebrate, and protect all human life in our state.

The NCC has created a variety of advocacy materials for your parish that can be easily accessed and used immediately to promote the Human Life Protection Act. Below, you will find a variety of resources, including a bulletin announcement, a parish flyer, a sample pulpit announcement, social media graphics, and more. Thank you for spreading the word about this life-saving legislation, and thank you for your commitment to building a Culture of Life in Nebraska!

Flyer, Bulletin Inserts, & Pew Leaflets

  • Please consider providing these leaflets to parishioners at fish fries, a pancake feed or your next parish event. Also consider talking to your Pastor and leaving Leaflets in the pews, accompanied by a pulpit announcement (see sample below) or a shout out in the homily. These leaflets contain a QR code that will link people directly to our Action Center for LB933, where they can find up-to-date action items to help promote the bill.

  • Please feel free to hang flyers in high-traffic areas in your hall, or distribute them as a bulletin insert.

  • This pre-made bulletin announcement is designed for you to copy and paste the 2 in. X 3 in. PNG into your bulletin file.

Homily Helps

Sample Pulpit Announcement

The Nebraska Legislature will soon debate the most historic pro-life bill in its history, LB933. The Human Life Protection Act will protect preborn Nebraskans from the moment of conception if Roe v. Wade is overturned. The voice of every citizen is urgently needed to help promote and pass this life-saving legislation. Please see the [choose applicable resource: "leaflets at the end of the pews" OR  "bulletin announcement" OR "bulletin insert"] to see how you can take action. Scan the QR code with your camera app to easily contact your state senator, or visit

Sample Social Media Post

We envision a Nebraska where every life is celebrated, valued, and protected. Stand for life with us. #LB933 #HumanLifeProtectionAct


Life is a human right and it's time to make it official. Stand for life with us. #LB933 #HumanLifeProtectionAct


Since 1973, abortion has taken nearly 200,000 lives in Nebraska alone. It's time for change. Stand for life with us. #LB933 #HumanLifeProtectionAct

Social Media Graphics