Register for Catholics at the Capitol. The deadline to register for our annual legislative advocacy day, Catholics at the Capitol, is April 2. You know what that means: register NOW!
Catholics at the Capitol takes places on Wednesday, April 9, at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in the lower level. We have a jam-packed day of speakers that will bring you up to speed on all the important legislative issues you’ll have a chance to advocate on with your State Senators.
Archbishop Lucas and Bishop Conley will provide opening prayer and welcoming remarks. Senators Tanya Storer and Rick Holdcroft will join us for a pro-life panel to give us a run-down on our important human dignity bills. Senators Rob Dover and Tony Sorrentino will brief us on important school choice legislation. Governor Jim Pillen and Senators Carolyn Bosn and Kathleen Kauth will talk to us about how we can protect our children from predatory social media practices and transgender ideology. Finally, we’ll hear from Senators Eliot Bostar and Dan Quick about addressing the housing problem for victims of domestic violence and how to help those facing food insecurity.
Did I mention it’ll be a jam-packed morning of speakers?!
We will also get the chance to watch legislative debate, meet with Senators, and spend time together in prayer and worship of our Lord, as we offer up our intercessory prayers for the good of our state!
You can register at www.NEcatholic.org. It’s only $15 to register, and that’s basically to help us cover the cost of some breakfast food and lunch. See you there!
Bills on the Move. We are over halfway through the legislative session. Once you read this column, committee hearings will be either nearly completed or totally completed (they are finished on Friday, March 28). Once committee hearings are completed, Senators will engage in all-day floor debate as more and more bills “hit the floor” and are ready for their chance to progress through the legislative process.
Last week, we had several bills make it out of their respective legislative committee or advance through floor debate. Here’s a snapshot of those bills.
LB78, which we support, advanced to Select File on a 43-0 vote. This bill would provide grant funds for victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, to ensure they have access to safe and secure housing.
LB89, which we support, advanced from the Government, Military and Veterans Affairs Committee on a 5-3 vote. This bill prohibits males from participating in female sports and entering female-only private areas, such as locker rooms and restrooms. Voting in favor: Senators Andersen, Lonowski, McKeon, Sanders, and Wordekemper. Voting against: Senators John Cavanaugh, Guereca, and Hunt.
LB213, which we support, advanced from the Education Committee on a 5-3 vote. This bill directs the State Board of Education to develop science standards for K-12 students to learn about the development of the unborn child in utero. Voting in favor: Senators Hughes, Lonowski, Meyer, Murman, and Sanders. Voting against: Senators Conrad, Hunt, and Juarez.
LB319, which we support, advanced from the Health and Human Services Committee on a 6-0 vote (with 1 Senator present not voting). This bill would provide access to food assistance benefits for former drug felons who have already served their sentence and would otherwise qualify for the state's food assistance program. Voting in favor: Senators Fredrickson, Hansen, Hardin, Meyer, Quick, Riepe. Present not voting: Senator Ballard
LR20CA, which we oppose, advanced from the General Affairs Committee on a 6-2 vote. This proposal would place on the 2026 ballot a constitutional amendment to expand online sports gambling beyond the confines of a casino. Voting in favor: Senators Andersen, John Cavanaugh, Clouse, DeKay, Quick, Rountree. Voting against: Senators Holdcroft, Storm
Advocacy Moving Forward. As Senators exit the bill hearing process and are more engaged in floor debate, your advocacy will be critical. Senators need to hear from you—their constituents—about which bills are important to pass and which bills should be defeated. The NCC makes this kind of advocacy easy when you join our Catholic Advocacy Network of Nebraska, by registering at www.NEcatholic.org. We send out easy-to-read-and-act-on e-mail alerts, that provide the basic information you need to contact your Senator. Join our network now, so we can amplify our voice as Catholics and bear the light of Christ in the public square!