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The Capitol Update

A heartfelt farewell

By the time you read this, my time at the Nebraska Catholic Conference (NCC) will have come to a close. In these final days as communications and outreach specialist, I’m reflecting on what feels like a lifetime of accomplishments, losses, and lessons learned.

With the NCC, which represents the Church in matters of public policy, I’ve been blessed to work on projects to protect human life, advance school choice, and spread the Gospel in the political sphere—a place desperately in need of the light of Christ. In the last few legislative sessions alone, the NCC has been instrumental in major legislation, like the protection of expressions of faith (First Freedoms Act), protections for the preborn after 12 weeks, securing school choice funding, expanding newborn safe haven laws, and more. Not listed, but equally important victories include the hundreds of bad bills blocked by the NCC over the years. With the leadership of the bishops, and the voices of Catholic Nebraskans, our small but mighty office of five staff members is able to “bear the light of Christ in the public square” to promote laws in accord with the Gospel for the benefit of all people.

One particular area where I had the honor of contributing was the Church’s recent efforts on competing ballot initiatives. Our bishops and the NCC staff, along with thousands of volunteers, priests, and advocates, worked tirelessly for over a year to educate Nebraska Catholics and the general public on the dangers of Initiative 439 and the hope offered by Initiative 434. We presented across the state, equipped each parish with kits to educate and mobilize parishioners, combatted myths and misinformation on social media, completed a postcard campaign, talked with friends and family members, and we prayed, prayed, and prayed some more.

On Election Day, with a year of widespread grassroots advocacy behind us, the seemingly improbable became reality: Nebraskans voted to embrace life and reject abortion in our state constitution. I stayed up until 3:30 a.m. to be sure. This victory wasn’t just a political achievement; Nebraskans firmly rejected the power, lies, and money of the abortion industry. This victory makes Nebraska a beacon of hope for the rest of the nation, as the abortion industry pushes for unfettered abortion rights in other state constitutions. The ballot victories are also a testament to what prayer, perseverance, and the grace of God can accomplish. The bishops, the NCC, and the entirety of the Catholic Church in Nebraska worked prayerfully and diligently for this outcome, and I am truly humbled to have played a small part in such a monumental effort.

The world of politics can often feel like a dark and daunting place, and I can recall legislative losses aplenty, but my time at the NCC has shown me that the light of Christ is needed most in the darkest of places. Through advocacy, prayer, and witness, we can see our laws reflect what is good, true, and beautiful. But we have to speak, and show up. We have to be at the decision table to make sure our laws reflect God’s will and the good of all people. Sometimes, that involves advocacy with our representatives. Other times, it involves a quiet, one-on-one conversation with a friend. This work of shaping public policy is not just about changing laws—it’s also about changing culture, which is just as important, if not more so. I invite every Catholic to join the NCC in advocating for Catholic values by signing up for the Catholic Advocacy Network of Nebraska at

I am so grateful to have worked alongside some of the most talented, dedicated, funny, professional, and faith-filled people I’ve ever met: Tom Venzor, our fearless leader; Marion Miner, the brains; Megan Fehr, my fellow communications comrade with her eyes firmly fixed on the Lord; Angie Korus, our gentle and kind captain. I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention my former colleagues, Jeremy Ekeler, a high-caliber person and a go-getter if there ever was one, and Lauren (Garcia) Gage, a brilliant force to be reckoned with. Each person contributed to my growth, personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Nebraska Catholics should also know the incredible leadership we enjoy from our bishops: Archbishop George Lucas of Omaha, Bishop James Conley of Lincoln, and Bishop Joseph Hanefeldt of Grand Island. Their commitment to the truth of the Gospel and the dignity of every human person drives the work of the NCC.

It’s not hyperbolic to say that it has been the honor of a lifetime to work on initiatives like advancing school choice, advocating for mothers and preborn children, and upholding the sanctity of life in the public square with these folks.

To summarize the lessons I take with me, I’ve learned that though important, government and law are worldly constructs and nothing to place our ultimate hope in. Man will always fail us, but the Lord never will. Only He is worthy of our ultimate hope. This job has taught me to depend on God, to trust in His plan and in His infinite wisdom, especially in times of trouble.

Looking back, I can see the Lord’s hand guiding me to this vocation. This journey began in high school when I started a Students for Life of America chapter. In college, I joined UNL Students for Life, where I met my husband, some of my dearest friends, and my previous and current employers. I’ve been involved in pro-life advocacy for more than 12 years, and each step of the way, God placed me exactly where I needed to be. Now, God is calling me to be home with my kiddos and do the most important job of raising my children to know, love, and serve the Lord.

While I’m excited for this next chapter, leaving the NCC is bittersweet. The collaborative and faith-filled culture, the meaningful work, and the incredible people have made this decision difficult. But I’m ready to say my next “yes” to the Lord, trusting that what He has planned for me will be even greater than what I can imagine. To all who have supported me in this journey, especially my husband, John—thank you.

Please join me in lifting up the bishops, the NCC staff, and their public policy efforts in prayer. I’m so excited to watch the team reach new heights to protect life, marriage, family, faith and more. And you can bet I’ll be contacting my representatives when there are legislative calls to action! I hope you’ll join me. Let’s continue the work of building a culture of life, together.