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The Capitol Update

God be praised!

God be praised for His mercy on Nebraska, through the defeat of Initiative 439 and the passage of Initiative 434.

Just over a year ago, pro-abortion forces deployed an all-out assault on the Nebraska State Constitution. Out-of-state interest groups, with multi-million dollar checkbooks in hand, came rolling into town after going 7-0 in other states where abortion measures were on the ballot. Thinking they could add Nebraska to their list, they launched what became Initiative 439, which would have enshrined a “fundamental right” to abortion and would have resulted in abortion being legal at any point in a pregnancy.

But, to the glory of God, Nebraska wasn’t having any of this!

Last Tuesday, Nebraska became a first-in-the-nation win on two fronts. First, Nebraska drove the pro-abortion industry under 50% support, resulting in the failure of their unsafe, unregulated, un-Nebraskan abortion initiative. Second, Nebraska became the first state in the country to place firm protections for the unborn child into its state constitution and, while the protections are imperfect as not covering every unborn child, the measure represents an important step in recognizing the dignity of the unborn child.

This victory was never a guarantee. The experience of seven states before us demonstrated that defeating the abortion industry was a tall order to fulfill. Not to mention, polling data consistently revealed a head-to-head matchup with the abortion industry, where oftentimes Initiative 439 was showing support well above 50% among the general public.

But, with God, all things are possible.

Through the countless prayers and efforts of innumerable Nebraskans, the abortion industry met its match.  Whether it was multi-million dollar donors or the everyday Nebraskan throwing in his or her proverbial “widow’s mite.”

Whether it was full-time, professional pro-life staff or the everyday Nebraskan taking a few moments of the day to reach out to a friend, family member, or fellow Nebraskan. Whether it was the persistent prayers of a contemplative cloistered nun or the everyday Nebraskan whispering a quick and exhausted prayer to God as he or she lay down for the night.

No matter who you are or what you did, you stood for life at a time when it was most needed in our state.

In the face of the worst possible public policy proposal our state has ever seen with Initiative 439, you were faithful to the Gospel of Life. You spoke up for the voiceless unborn. You stood next to the women in your life who deserve better than abortion. You valued what Nebraska values most: its people.

This was no small feat, and it will go into the history books. More importantly, it will go down in eternity as a great act of faithfulness to God and His desires for a social order that honors His plan for humanity.

The list of Nebraskans who deserve a “thank you” is endless. But know that I am thankful for you beyond belief, in a way that words cannot capture. I’m sincerely humbled by the way Catholics met the challenge with charitable conviction. It was all a testament to the grace of God that was the power for the entirety of what occurred in our state.

Because no good victory should go without celebration, please join us at this year’s Bishops’ Pro-Life Banquet Friday, Nov. 22, in Lincoln at the Cornhusker Marriot Hotel. The event starts at 5:30 p.m. with a social hour and 6:30 dinner. This year’s keynote speaker is “hometown hero” Greg Schleppenbach. Registration closes very soon and you’ll need to register ASAP. To register, please visit, call our office (402.477.7517), or send us an e-mail ( We hope to see you at this pro-life party!

In the meanwhile, let us continue to praise God for His goodness and mercy, and may we all continue the good work of cultivating a culture of life and a civilization of love in our great pro-life state of Nebraska!