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The Capitol Update

What's next?

For those who regularly read my column, this is another one of those situations I’ve talked about: I’m writing this column before a major event occurs, but you’ll receive it after that major event occurs. The major event this time around: Election Day.

This means you’ll know results about some pretty important matters, while I’m writing to you from the past.

So, what is there to say?

I think I can speak to at least this question: what’s next?

No matter what Election Day has brought us, perhaps we have defeated the pro-abortion industry, perhaps the people of Nebraska have brought upon themselves abortion throughout pregnancy, one thing will remain true: Nebraska is far from the culture of life that God desires for us, and that culture cannot be transformed through a single political act.

Culture is something broader and goes beyond politics, even if politics can have a tremendous influence on the culture.

Our political actions and political circumstances can provide us with ample opportunities to transform culture and they can also hinder us in the transformation of that same culture. But the work of culture-building and cultural transformation goes well beyond politics, and we should never forget this.

Regardless of the state of the law of Nebraska, Nebraska will still have countless women who find themselves facing a difficult and challenging pregnancy. No law can wrap its arms around those women, comfort them in their distress, walk with them in the journey, and be there every step of the way to saying “Yes!” to life. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fully bring this about.

Regardless of the state of the law of Nebraska, Nebraska will still have young people and adults who are so malformed about a proper understanding of sex, that they will think the sexual act is nothing of real significance besides the pleasure that comes from it. No law can fully transform the human heart into seeing the beauty and gift of the sexual act, and know its proper place within the bonds of marriage, and to fully accept the gift of human life that may result from the act. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fully bring this about.

Regardless of the state of the law of Nebraska, Nebraska will still have babies who are born with challenging conditions, and even those that will result in the death of the child in the womb or shortly after birth. No law can fully transform the disposition of moms and dads to fully accept this cross and struggle, and to see its full and redemptive value through the honor they give to that child by providing their baby the compassion and care they truly deserve in this life. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fully bring this about.

Regardless of the state of the law of Nebraska, Nebraska will still have publicly elected officials who lack the courage of heart and the determination of will to protect human life. No law can magically grant them the grace of a new heart. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fully bring this about.

Regardless of the state of the law of Nebraska, Nebraska will still have countless Catholics and other Christians who would rather hide their light under a bushel basket and hide their time, talents, and treasures in the ground when it comes to difficult political and cultural matters. No law can instill an all-consuming zeal that sets the heart on fire and spreads that conviction to others like wildfire. Only the Gospel of Jesus Christ can fully bring this about.

No matter where we find ourselves after the results of Election Day, there will be much work to do within our own selves and among the broader culture. Political results will be what they are—even as important as they are. But Christ has called us to much greater and broader work as disciples. He has called us to engage in the fundamental transformation of hearts and minds, in such a way that the laws of a particular place and time may almost seem insignificant. The law written on the heart of each of us will be so attuned to the desires of the Father, that the human law whatever it is will give way to right actions and motivations that God has in store for a people who love Him.

But none of this will happen without the daily work of spreading the Gospel of Jesus, and helping our fellow Nebraskans come to more fully know Him and experience the love He has in store for them.

With this in place, the great work of cultural transformation will occur, and this will have greater permanence than whatever results on Election Day 2024.

So, what’s next? Go out and make disciples of all the nations, and start with Nebraska!