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Event Calendar

"Catholics at the Capitol"

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
8:00 am2:00 pm
St. Mary's - Lincoln

Thank you for your interest in attending Catholics at the Capitol on March 27! This year we will be at St. Mary's Church for our morning session. You will receive a thorough update of important legislation facing the legislature this session and get trained on talking to your state senator and other elected officials. Then, you'll put your new skills and knowledge into practice when we head over to the Capitol to meet your senators.

There is an optional lunch ($10) with senators at the UNL Newman Center. We will provide transportation from the Capitol to the Newman Center and back to St. Mary's after the lunch. See the schedule below. Click on the "Register now" button to register by March 20!

8:15 a.m. Mass at St. Mary's (School Mass - Optional)
8:45 a.m. Registration begins in the basement of St. Mary's Church (1420 K St.)
9:15 a.m. Morning session
Guest speaker: State Treasurer John Murante
NCC - Update on legislation and how to talk to your elected officials
10:45 a.m. Head over to Capitol to meet senators
12:15 p.m. Lunch with Senators at Newman Center (transportation provided)
Senator Joni Albrecht (District 17)
Senator Lou Ann Linehan (District 39)
Senator Mike McDonnell (District 5)
Senator Steve Lathrop (District 12)
Senator Mike Hilgers (District 21)
1:30 p.m. Transportation back to St. Mary's Church

Please contact us with any questions! Call us at 402.477.7517 or email

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