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Sts. Mary & Joseph, Valparaiso, NE: "Unsafe, Unregulated, Un-Nebraskan: A Community Presentation on Defeating the Pro-Abortion Amendment"

Saturday, September 28, 2024
4:00 pm5:30 pm
Sts. Mary & Joseph Catholic Church
637 Iver St
Valparaiso, NE 68065

Join us for a presentation and discussion on Nebraska's pro-abortion ballot measure: "Unsafe, Unregulated, Un-Nebraskan: A Community Presentation on Defeating the Pro-Abortion Amendment." Hosted by the Nebraska Catholic Conference and Sts. Mary & Joseph Catholic Church on August 25th, this free event aims to provide essential insights into the proposed initiative and mobilize community opposition to protect life in Nebraska! Talks will be available after all Masses. Mass times: 4:00 PM Saturday, 8:00 AM Sunday, and 9:30 AM Sunday.


The NCC has been closely monitoring efforts to insert a right to abortion into the Nebraska State Constitution. This initiative poses a significant threat to both women and babies, and it undermines the dignity of every human life. We must mobilize our community in opposition to this dangerous deceptive, demeaning initiative. We will get you educated, engaged, and equipped to act on the measures before us.


- Understanding the Initiative: Gain insights into the pro-abortion ballot initiative and its potential impact on our state, along with an overview of the alternative pro-life ballot initiative.
- Effective Strategies: Discover how you can contribute to protecting life in Nebraska through prayer, grassroots advocacy, and community involvement.
- Q&A Session: Bring your questions and concerns - our experts are here to address them.


This event is free of charge and open to everyone, Catholics and non-Catholics alike! Spread the word by sharing this event with your friends, family, and community members.


If you're unable to attend this presentation, explore our event calendar for upcoming presentations near you.

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